Announcement on the List of Representative Teams for RMU 2025


RoboMaster University Series (RMU) emcompasses RoboMaster University Championship (RMUC) and RoboMaster University League (RMUL). According to the requirements stated in the Participant Manual:

 1. The participating team must be affiliated to a university or college and obtain the authorized stamp of the university or college (campus).

 2. A team can apply for more than one competitions in the RMU. The RoboMaster Organizing Committee (RMOC) will deem a team participating in different competitions in the same season as the one and same group, in handling the various competition processes. Any team participating in different competitions must use the same team name.

 3. No more than two teams of each university is eligible for one challenge or event.

The RMOC encourages universities and participating teams to actively leverage internal and external resources, improve technical and managerial abilities, pass on their legacy, and create a healthy and sustainable environment for the RoboMaster competition. According to the above principles and the registration review results since RMUC 2020, the RMOC hereby announces the list of representative teams as follows.

I. The representative team has the priority to participate in RMUC, RMUL to obtain scores. The participation priority of RMU teams are as follows:

    1. Representative teams (see the table below) that have submitted registration application in the current season;

    2. Teams that have submitted the registration application in the current season with a longer participation history of the applied event;

    3. Teams that have received Letter of Authorization from the university or college in the current season;

In addition to the requirements stated in the Participant Manuals for RMU 2025, teams should also adhere to the following principle: If a representative team and a non-representative team of the same university participate in different events of RMU, the score of the university will depend on the competition results of the representative team according to the RoboMaster Scoring and Ranking System.

II. The list of representative teams will be updated according to the RMUC registration review results. If a university wants to replace the representative team or modify key information of the team (see the "Five Differences" principle in Participant Manual), it must present the "Replacement Statement of the Representative Team", and the RMOC will update the information accordingly.

    1.Each university has one opportunity to modify the team name. If a representative team only wants to modify the team name, they should contact the RMOC (WeChat: rmsaiwu)  after submitting the registration information. A team cannot modify its team name after the registration period. Although RMU events are mutually independent, any team participating in different events must use the same team name.

    2.A team can mofdify the prefix of its team name due to the change of title sponsor.

III. If a non-representative team of the same school wants to participate in certain competitions (challenges) in RMU, they need to negotiate with the representative team. If the representative team voluntarily waives the qualification of the competitions (challenges), the RMOC will approve the registration application of the non-representative team.

1University of AlbertaArtemis
2Anhui Institute of Information EngineeringArtisans
3University of MacauArcana
4Baotou Light Industry Vocational and Technical College金牛
5North Bay University飞虎
6Beijing University Of TechnologyPIP
7Beijing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsRobo_MONSTER
8Beijing Geely University北吉星
9Beijing Jiaotong UniversityBNGU
10Beijing Jiaotong University (Weihai)BNG
11University of Science and Technology BeijingReborn
12Beijing Institute of Technology追梦
13Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai毅恒
14Beijing Forestry University森林狼
15Beijing Normal University & Hong Kong Baptist University United International CollegeNavigator
16Beijing Normal University, ZhuhaiSoaringRobotics
17Beijing Information Science and Technology University星辰
18Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications鸿雁
19Pennsylvania State UniversityRoboX
20Changshu Institute of TechnologyR&A
21Chongqing University千里
22Chongqing University of Technology士继 DREAMER
23Chongqing Three Gorges UniversityLionHeart
24Changzhou UniversityClimber
25Changzhou Institute of TechnologyBrave
26Chengdu UniversityUltra
27Chengdu Institute of Technology涉科赛思
28Chengdu University of TechnologyTreasure
29Chengdu University of Information Technology风信子
30Chifeng University红山
31Metropolitan Autonomous UniversityRAWS
32Dalian University智能引擎
33Dalian Jiaotong UniversityTOE
34Dalian University of Technology凌BUG
35Dalian Minzu UniversityC·ONE
36University of Texas at AustinStampede
37Texas A&M UniversityTexas Aimbots
38University of Electronic Science and TechnologyOnePointFive
39Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology of China微城市
40University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Zhongshan InstituteRoboBraver
41Northeastern UniversityTDT
42Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao征龙凌沧
43Northeast Forestry UniversityAres
44Dongguan City UniversityWalker
45Dongguan University of TechnologyACE
46Dongguan City UniversityWalker
47Guangdong-Taiwan Institute of Industrial Technology, Dongguan University of TechnologyKineticRobotics
48Guangdong-Taiwan Institute of Industrial Technology, Dongguan University of TechnologyKineticRobotics
49Donghua UniversityDIODE
50Southeast University3SE
51Politecnico di TorinoRoboTO
52Ohio State UniversityVindicator
53Guangdong-Taiwan Institute of Industrial Technology, Dongguan University of TechnologyKineticRobotics
54School of Disaster Prevention Technology思玄
55Virginia TechRoboGrinder 
56Foshan University of Science and Technology醒狮
57Fukuoka Union UniversityFUKUOKA NIWAKA
58Fujian Jiangxia UniversityDDU
59Fujian University of Technology苍侠
60Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University零七一
61Fujian Normal UniversityPikachu
62Fuzhou UniversityRoboFans
64Kanto Union UniversityOOEDO SAMURAI
65Guangdong University of TechnologyDynamicX
66Guangdong Transportation Vocational and Technical College擎天
67Guangxi Normal University虎师
68Guangxi Water Conservancy and Electric Power Vocational and Technical College萃芽
69Guangxi Vocational and Technical CollegeKnight
70Guangzhou City University of Technology野狼
71Guangzhou Maritime UniversityICBK破冰船
72Nanfang College Guangzhou南風
73Guangzhou Railway PolytechnicIRONR
74The College of Humanities and Science of Guizhou Minzu UniversityBIU
75Guizhou Normal UniversityCEC
76Guizhou Teachers CollegeJumper
77Guilin University of Electronic TechnologyEvolution
78Guilin University of Electronic Technology Beihai Campus破浪笃行
79Guilin University of Technology群星
80Guilin Institute of Information TechnologyGIRT
81National University of Defense Technology军临
82Harbin Engineering University创梦之翼
83Harbin Institute of TechnologyI Hiter
84Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)南工骁鹰
85Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai)HERO
86Harbin University of Science and TechnologyA.I.R.
87Harbin University of Science and Technology Rongcheng CampusSPARK
88Hainan University南海鲨
89Handan College洪流
90Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and TechnologyPHOENIX
91Hefei University of Technology苍穹
92Hefei University Of Technology Xuancheng CampusWDR
93Hebei University of Technology山海Mas
94Hebei Rail Transportation Vocational and Technical College奇点智联
95Hebei University of ArchitectureLuBan
96Hebei University of Science and TechnologyActor&Thinker
97Hebei Normal University金钢
98Heihe UniversityLBT
99Heilongjiang Institute of TechnologyYoung Dreams
100Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology战狼
101Hubei University of Technology力创RM
102Hunan City UniversityAlien_Monster
103Hunan University跃鹿
104Hunan Institute of Technology八林狐
105North China Electric Power University龙龙
106North China Institute of Science and Technology风暴
107North China University of Science and TechnologyHorizon
108East China Jiaotong UniversityRealSteel
109East China University of Science and Technology起源
110South China University of Technology华南虎
111South China Agricultural UniversityTaurus
112South China Normal UniversityPIONEER
113South China Normal University Foshan CampusVANGUARD
114Huaqiao UniversityEDR
115Huazhong University of Science and Technology狼牙
116Huaihua College电气学院
117Huainan United University硬骨头
118Huanggang Normal UniversityHDR
119Huizhou UniversityDistrict 46
120Jilin UniversityTARS_Go
121Zhuhai College of Jilin University征途
122Jilin Institute of Architecture and Technology吉剑客
123Jimei University科来
124Chengyi College, Jimei University潜渊
125Jining College凌云
126University of California San DiegoTriton Robotics
127Jiangsu UniversityFIVE PINES
128Jiangsu Aviation Vocational and Technical College飞凡创新
129Jiangsu City Vocational College开拓者
130Jiangsu University of Science and TechnologyHLL
131Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College of Mechatronics机电168
132Jiangxi University of Science and Technology乘风
133Carnegie Mellon UniversityScotty Robotics
134University of Colorado BoulderBuffs
135Kunming City CollegeT.Rex
136Lanzhou University of Technology红柳猎人
137University of LiverpoolLiverbotsGMaster
138Liaoning University of TechnologyRoboTeam
139University of Science and Technology LiaoningCOD
140Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical TechnologyTCN
141Lingnan Normal University载质pioneer
142University of LeuvenFLACRA Leuven
143Army Academy of Border and Coastal Defense钢钉
144Army Service Academy陆擎
145Army Academy of Armored Forces铁甲
146Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyR. R. R.
147University of Nottingham, MalaysiaLancet
148McMaster UniversityMacFalcons
149Moutai CollegeMTI
150Monterey University of TechnologyHypeBirds
151Montreal Polytechnic UniversityPolySTAR
152Minjiang CollegeFURY
153Minnan Normal UniversityFlame Fang
154Nagoya Institute of TechnologyNAGOYASHACHIHOKO
155Nanchang UniversityPassion
156Nanchang Hangkong University洪鹰
157Nanchang University of Technology赣南虎
158Southern University of Science and TechnologyARTINX
159Nanhua UniversityMA
160Nanjing Institute of Technology涅槃凤凰
161Nanjing Tech UniversityBlueSpace
162Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics长空御风
163Nanhang Jincheng CollegeBorn of Fire
164Nanjing University of Science and TechnologyAlliance
165Nanjing University of Science and Technology Jiangyin CampusCombat
166Nanjing Xiaozhuang University飙车不易
167Nantong UniversityNSE
168Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology雷霆
169Ningbo UniversityFalconAttack
170Ningbo Institute of TechnologyNew Legends
171University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaAIM
172New York UniversityUltraViolet
173University of Nottingham, MalaysiaLancet
174Queen's UniversityQueen's Knights
175Purdue UniversityBoilerBot
176Qilu University of TechnologyAdam
177Qingdao University未来
178Qingdao Technological University青鲤
179Qinghai University河湟谷人
180Samara UniversityUnitedROBOTIClub
181Xiamen UniversityRCS
182Jiageng College of Xiamen UniversityTCR
183Xiamen Huaxia University忒修斯之船
184Xiamen University of TechnologyPFA
185Shan Dong University齐鲁
186Shandong University of Science and TechnologySmartRobot
187Shandong University of Technology齐奇
188Shanxi Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering筑梦
189Shanxi Jinzhong Institute of Technology三晋壹号
190Shaanxi University of Science and TechnologyBattleSwanX
191Shanghai UniversitySRM
192Shanghai Second Polytechnic UniversitySniper
193Shanghai University of Engineering Science木鸢Birdiebot
194Shanghai Maritime University海狮
195Shanghai Jiao Tong University交龙
196ShanghaiTech UniversityMagician
197University of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyRoboVigor
198Shanghai Normal University Tianhua CollegeFuture Robot
199Shenzhen MSU-BIT University北极熊
200Shenzhen UniversityRobotPilots
201Shenzhen University of Technology悍匠
202Shenzhen PolytechnicRCIA
203Shenyang Aerospace UniversityTUP
204Shenyang Jianzhu University简锋
205Shenyang Ligong UniversityAmbition
206Capital Normal UniversityPIE
207Sichuan University火锅
208Jincheng College of Sichuan University小蛮
209Applied Technology College of Soochow UniversityBLP
210Suqian College楚霸王
211National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan相當優雅NeverNo
212Guangdong-Taiwan Institute of Industrial Technology, Dongguan University of TechnologyKineticRobotics
213Taiyuan Institute of Technology火线
214Taiyuan University of Science and TechnologyNewMaker
215Taiyuan University of TechnologyTRoMaC
216Tianjin Urban Construction UniversityTCUSTAR
217Tianjin University北洋机甲
218Tiangong University304
219Tianjin University of TechnologyLIF
220Tongji UniversitySuperPower
221Zhejiang College of Tongji University天禄
222Weifang Institute of TechnologyAIC
223Wenzhou UniversityPlus
224Wenzhou PolytechnicINSIST
225Wenhua CollegeMSE STAR
226Wuyi UniversityIMCA
227Wuhan Institute of TechnologyNautilus
228Wuhan Jiaotong Vocational CollegeRocket
229Wuhan University of Science and Technology崇实
230Xidian UniversityIRobot
231Xi'an Jiaotong University笃行
232Xi'an University of TechnologyNEXT E
233Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityWMJ
234Northwest A&F University猎隼
235Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College雪域雄鹰
236Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversityGMaster
237Southwest UniversityGKD
238Southwest Jiaotong UniversityHelios
239Southwest University of Science and Technology龙山飞虎
240Southwest Forestry University浮云
241Southwest University for Nationalities新竹
242Southwest Petroleum University铁人
243Southwest Petroleum University Nanchong Campus泓龙
244The University of Hong KongHerKules
245Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyENTERPRIZE
246The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) PnX
247Chinese University of Hong KongPower Shuttle
248The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)北极
249Xiangtan University逐曦
250National University of SingaporeCalibur
251Xinjiang Institute of Technology金胡杨
252Xinxiang College电创
253Niigata Union UniversityPhoenix Robots
254Yanshan University燕鹰
255University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignIlliniRM
256University of British ColumbiaBearbots
257University of WashingtonARUW
258Yuzhang Teachers CollegeHC&BaYi
259Yunnan UniversityFuture
260Yunnan Forestry Technological College巅峰
261Kunming City CollegeT.Rex
262Zaozhuang UniversitySummit
263Changan UniversityVGD
264Changchun University of Science and TechnologyLD世界
265Yangtze University匆匆前进
266Changsha University of Science and Technology云嵌
267Zhejiang UniversityHello World
268Zhejiang University-University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignMETA
269Zhejiang Textile and Clothing Vocational and Technical CollegeRobofuture
270Zhejiang Sci-Tech University钱塘蛟
271Zhejiang Normal University浙狮
272Zhengzhou University中州烛龙
273Zhengzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College铁龙战神
274North University of China606
275University of Science and Technology of ChinaRoboWalker
276Yunnan UniversityFuture
277China University of Mining and TechnologyCUBOT
278Civil Aviation University of China因特雷
279Chinese People's Police University无畏先锋
280China University of Petroleum (Beijing)SPR
281China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karamay CampusGS戈壁之魂
282China University of Petroleum (East China)RPS
283Central South UniversityFYT
284Central University for Nationalities参北斗
285Zhongkai University of Agriculture Engineering奇点
286Zhuhai College of Jilin University征途
287Zunyi Normal University智鸿