RMU 2025 Progress Assessment Criteria


- The Technical Assessment criteria consist of two parts: the robot building specifications display criteria and the robot function display criteria.

- The RMOC will first assess teams’ compliance with robot building specifications display criteria. If any mandatory item is not displayed in the video, that type of robot cannot get any points for the function display part.

- The display of each function must be filmed in a single, continuous shot. The required dimensions must be shown in the video. (For example, when displaying simulated strikes of the Dart System on the Base, the video must show the measurement of the 25-meter distance.) Otherwise, points will be deducted accordingly.

- If the function display video of a robot only meets part of the criteria or does not show the mandatory function(s), points will be deducted accordingly; for unique robot features implemented beyond the requirements, bonus points will be awarded.

- Each robot type has its video data form, which the participating team must fill out truthfully. If the video content does not match the form, points will be deducted accordingly.

- If the video does not show the mandatory item(s) of a robot applicable to its type, the robot will receive no points for all the optional items.

- For sped-up videos, the speed multiplier must be clearly indicated.

- For proof of hit rates, the video must show carbon paper marks or the difference in the target robot’s HP before and after the strike. Hit rate data must be displayed as subtitles in videos.

- Videos displaying the robot’s automatic recognition capability and the Engineer’s ability to grab and exchange Ores cannot be sped up.

Robot Building Specifications Display Criteria

EventRobot TypeItem DisplayedType
RMUCInfantry/SentryThe mounting bracket for the UWB Positioning Module and deformation of the bracket when a force of 40 N is appliedMandatory
The mounting area of the Speed Monitor Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting location of the fluorescent projectile energy-charging device (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications) and a self-test performed in compliance with the Specifications v.1.1Mandatory
The mounting area of the Light Indicator Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting of other Referee System components or the mounting locations reserved for the Referee SystemMandatory
HeroThe mounting bracket for the UWB Positioning Module and deformation of the bracket when a force of 40 N is appliedMandatory
The mounting area of the Speed Monitor Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting area of the Light Indicator Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting of other Referee System components or the mounting locations reserved for the Referee SystemMandatory
EngineerThe mounting bracket for the UWB Positioning Module and deformation of the bracket when a force of 40 N is appliedMandatory
The mounting area of the Light Indicator Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting of other Referee System components or the mounting locations reserved for the Referee SystemMandatory
DroneThe mounting bracket for the UWB Positioning Module and deformation of the bracket when a force of 40 N is appliedMandatory
The mounting area of the Speed Monitor Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting location of the fluorescent projectile energy-charging device (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications) and a self-test performed as requiredMandatory
The mounting of other Referee System components or the mounting locations reserved for the Referee SystemMandatory
Dart SystemThe mounting of (or the mounting locations reserved for) the Referee SystemMandatory
The orthographic projection of the Dart Launcher and the Darts to be launched on the ground shall not extend beyond the outermost edges of the bottom frame of the Dart System.Mandatory
RMUL 3V3 MatchInfantry/Hero/SentryThe mounting area of the Speed Monitor Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting area of the Light Indicator Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting of other Referee System components or the mounting locations reserved for the Referee SystemMandatory
RMUL Infantry MatchInfantryThe mounting of (or the mounting locations reserved for) the Referee SystemMandatory
The mounting area of the Light Indicator Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
The mounting area of the Speed Monitor Module (mounted properly in accordance with the Specifications)Mandatory
RMUL Engineer ChallengeEngineerThe mounting of (or the mounting locations reserved for) the Referee SystemMandatory

Robot Function Display Criteria

EventRobot TypeItem DisplayedSpecial Requirements for Video DisplayRequirements in Each PhaseTypePoints
RMUCFull roster displayAll robots built by the participating team on the full roster are shown together; robots can be powered on simultaneously or one after another Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentMandatory-
InfantryDefine a square track with inner dimensions of 5 meters by 5 meters and outer dimensions of 7 meters by 7 meters. At the beginning, the robot is stationary at a random point on the track. Then it moves at a constant maximum speed until it has completed one full lap. The chassis power is limited to 60 W during the process. (If the robot is equipped with a Supercapacitor Module, a full charge of supercapacitors at the beginning is allowed.)Start the video by presenting the robot’s hardware topology and confirming that its cabling complies with the Robot Building Specifications. This process can be sped up, but no editing is allowed. The participating team must clearly mark the track boundaries on the ground and demonstrate the dimensions.
After the robot starts moving, a stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up. Conclude the video with a truthful record of the robot’s power consumption during the process.
Mid-Term Robot Assessment: 1 Infantry
Final Robot Assessment: 2 Infantries
The robot(s) automatically recognize and follow a Small Armor Module or a similarly sized target that is 5 meters away and rotates at a speed of greater than 0.4 r/s, and launch 50 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike the target. Calculate the hit rate and provide relevant evidence.Display proof of the robot-target distance. The shooter and the target must be visible within the same frame.
A stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up.
Mid-Term Robot Assessment: 1 Infantry
Final Robot Assessment: 2 Infantries
The robot(s) smoothly cross a Launch Ramp for 3 consecutive times.Display proof of a 17° slope that is 350 mm in height and a landing point further than 650 mm from the top of the slope.Mid-Term Robot Assessment: 1 Infantry
Final Robot Assessment: 2 Infantries
The robot(s) climb 200 mm-high steps for 3 consecutive times.Display proof of the 200 mm step height.Mid-Term Robot Assessment: 1 Infantry
Final Robot Assessment: 2 Infantries
The robot(s) pass through a channel of 550 mm in width and 450 mm in height for 3 consecutive timesDisplay proof of the 550 mm channel width and 450 mm channel height.Mid-Term Robot Assessment: 1 Infantry
Final Robot Assessment: 2 Infantries
Display the robot's unique features. Each feature is worth 2 points and a maximum of 10 points can be awarded in total. For example:
1. Simulate activating a Small/Large Power Rune: The robot strikes a rotating Small/Large Power Rune. Calculate the number of hits on the Power Rune Armor Module.
2. Display how the robot moves spontaneously to the actual location corresponding to a marked site on the generated map.
3. Display how the robot performs self-rescue after it overturns.
Relevant dimensions of the field must be demonstrated before the display of each unique feature. Each feature must be performed for at least 3 consecutive times.Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional10
HeroDefine a square track with inner dimensions of 5 meters by 5 meters and outer dimensions of 7 meters by 7 meters. At the beginning, the robot is stationary at a random point on the track. Then it moves at a constant maximum speed until it has completed one full lap. The chassis power is limited to 70 W during the process. (If the robot is equipped with a Supercapacitor Module, a full charge of supercapacitors at the beginning is allowed.)Start the video by presenting the robot’s hardware topology and confirming that its cabling complies with the Robot Building Specifications. This process can be sped up, but no editing is allowed. The participating team must clearly mark the track boundaries on the ground and demonstrate the dimensions.
After the robot starts moving, a stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up. Conclude the video with a truthful record of the robot’s power consumption during the process.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentMandatory30
The robot(s) automatically recognize and follow a Small Armor Module or a similarly sized target that is 5 meters away and rotates at a speed of greater than 0.4 r/s, and launch 20 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike the target. Calculate the hit rate and provide relevant evidence.Display proof of the robot-target distance. The shooter and the target must be visible within the same frame.
A stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentMandatory30
Simulate striking a Base at a distance:
1. The robot is stationary at the beginning.
2. After the display starts, the robot first moves more than 2 meters in a direction, and then fires 10 rounds of projectiles to strike a Large Armor Module (or a similarly sized target) 20 meters away while keeping its chassis stationary.
3. The robot repeats the action in step 2 three times. During the process, the robot moves before launching projectiles, while maintaining a distance of more than 20 meters from the target.
4. The robot’s chassis must stop at three different positions. A total of 30 rounds of projectiles shall be fired. Calculate the hit rate.
Display proof of the 20-meter distance from the target and the 2-meter movement.
The shooter and the target must be visible within the same frame.
Set up another camera near the target to clearly capture the moment of hit. Edit the video in a chronological order.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional30
Display the robot's unique features. Each feature is worth 2 points and a maximum of 10 points can be awarded in total. For example:
1. Display how the robot smoothly cross a Launch Ramp.
2. Display how the robot climbs 200 mm-high steps.
3. Display how the robot pass through a channel of 550 mm in width and 450 mm in height. 
4. Display how the robot moves spontaneously to the actual location corresponding to a marked site on the generated map.
5. Display how the robot performs self-rescue after it overturns to regain its balance
Relevant dimensions of the field must be demonstrated before the display of each unique feature. Each feature must be performed for at least 3 consecutive times.Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional10
EngineerSimulate Ore grabbing and exchange: Engineer grabs Ores in the Slot (in the Small Resource Island) and then exchanges them at a location 2 meters away from the Slot in a straight line. Display the highest achievable exchange difficulty level using the officially designated Ore Receptacle pose for each difficulty level. The robot shall exchange at least two Ores (no time limit) in different Slots and when the Ore Receptacle is at different poses.Display a stopwatch throughout the process. Indicate the start time, completion time, and total duration of each exchange. The video must not be sped up.Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentMandatory60
Engineer fully grabs an Ore in the Large Resource Island (for location layout, see the description of Large Resource Island Ores in the Rules Manual). Repeat this process 3 times, and the 3 Ores shall be placed in different locations.Display a stopwatch throughout the process. Indicate the time when each Ore is grabbed, and the start time, completion time, and total duration of the entire process. The video must not be sped up.Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional30
Display the robot's unique features. Each feature is worth 2 points and a maximum of 10 points can be awarded in total. For example:
1. Display automatic Ore exchange
2. Display how the robot moves spontaneously to the actual location corresponding to a marked site on the generated map.
3. Display how the robot performs self-rescue after it overturns.
4. Display how the robot can rescue another robot that overturns.
Relevant dimensions of the field must be demonstrated before the display of each unique feature. Each feature must be performed for at least 3 consecutive times.Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional10
SentryDefine a square track with inner dimensions of 5 meters by 5 meters and outer dimensions of 7 meters by 7 meters. At the beginning, the robot is stationary at a random point on the track. Then it moves at a constant maximum speed until it has completed one full lap. The chassis power is limited to 100 W during the process. (If the robot is equipped with a Supercapacitor Module, a full charge of supercapacitors at the beginning is allowed. Besides, the robot can be controlled manually.)Start the video by presenting the robot’s hardware topology and confirming that its cabling complies with the Robot Building Specifications. This process can be sped up, but no editing is allowed. The participating team must clearly mark the track boundaries on the ground and demonstrate the dimensions.
After the robot starts moving, a stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up. Conclude the video with a truthful record of the robot’s power consumption during the process.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentMandatory10
Sentry automatically recognizes and follows a Small Armor Module or a similarly sized target that is 3 meters away and rotates at a speed of greater than 0.4 r/s (a stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process, and the video in PowerPoint must not be sped up), and launches 50 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike the target. Calculate the hit rate, and display how well the visualization program for Small Armor Module recognition works (see Figure 1 at the end of the article).Display proof of the robot-target distance. The shooter and the target must be visible within the same frame.
A stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentMandatory15
Display the automatic movement, positioning, obstacle avoidance, and path planning of Sentry in the Competition Area and how well the visualization program works, while ensuring that the program running data matches the actual movements of the robot (see Figure 2 at the end of the article). Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional10
Simulate Sentry navigation and attack:
1. Preparation: Define two points, A and B, which are 5 meters from each other in a straight line. Place an obstacle between A and B that completely blocks the Sentry’s orthographic projection, and set a Small Armor Module or a similarly sized target at B that rotates at a speed of greater than 0.4 r/s.
2. Function display: The Sentry autonomously navigates from point A to B, and the program running data matches the actual movements of the robot (see the task above).
3. The robot automatically recognizes and launches 50 rounds of projectiles at the target rotating at point B. Display how well the visualization program for Armor Module recognition works (see Figure 1 at the end of the article).
4. A maximum of 5 points will be awarded for completing steps 1 and 2, and a maximum of 10 points for completing steps 1, 2, and 3.
Display proof of the robot-target distance. Display the robot’s planned path before its movement. The shooter and the target must be visible within the same frame.
A stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional10
Display the robot's unique features. Each feature is worth 1 point and a maximum of 5 points can be awarded in total. For example:
1. Display how the robot smoothly cross a Launch Ramp.
2. Display how the robot moves spontaneously to the actual location corresponding to a marked site on the generated map.
3. Display how the robot recognizes and chases an opponent robot.
4. Display how the robot autonomously navigates to and occupies the Fortress Buff Point.
Relevant dimensions of the field must be demonstrated before the display of each unique feature. Each feature must be performed for at least 3 consecutive times.Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional5
Drone1. Display the Drone's fully enclosed propeller guard and the Drone weighing process, and indicate the Drone weight in the video. Load projectiles according to the Drone’s Projectile Load. Specify the position of a Landing Pad on the ground or another suitable location based on the size of the Competition Area.
2. After takeoff, the Drone flies forward 5 meters and hovers. (A fully enclosed propeller guard must be mounted on the Drone. If the Drone takes off without such a propeller guard, the team will receive zero points for this item and 10 points will be deducted from its overall score.)
3. The Drone launches 50 rounds of projectiles continuously to attack a Large Armor Module or a similarly sized target 5 meters away.
4. Finally, the Drone lands on the Landing Pad.
5. If only steps 1 and 2 are completed, 10 to 20 points will be awarded depending on the Drone’s functionality and Projectile Load.
Before loading projectiles, verify their quantity by splitting the projectiles into groups with the same number of projectiles or weighing. At the start of the video, the Landing Pad’s location must be clearly shown, along with evidence of the movement distance. Display proof of the Drone-target distance. The shooter and the target must be visible within the same frame.Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional50
Dart SystemSimulate striking an Outpost: Launch 8 darts (4 darts per round, 2 consecutive rounds in total) continuously to attack a Small Armor Module or a similarly sized target 16 meters away. Calculate the hit rate and provide relevant evidence.Display the on-site transport and deployment of the Dart System in the video. The commissioning time must not exceed 3 minutes. Display proof of distance from the target.
The Dart System and the target must be visible within the same frame.
A stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up.
Set up another camera near the target to clearly capture the moment of hit. Edit the video in a chronological order.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional15
Simulate striking a Base: Launch 8 darts continuously to attack a Small Armor Module or a similarly sized target 25 meters away. Calculate the hit rate and provide relevant evidence.Display the on-site transport and deployment of the Dart System in the video. The commissioning time must not exceed 3 minutes. Display proof of distance from the target.
A stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up.
Set up another camera near the target to clearly capture the moment of hit. Edit the video in a chronological order.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional16
Display the robot's unique features. Each feature is worth 2 points and a maximum of 4 points can be awarded in total. For example:

1. Simulate striking a Random Fixed Target at the Base (8 consecutive shots).
2. Simulate striking a Random Moving Target at the Base (8 consecutive shots).
Display the on-site transport and deployment of the Dart System in the video. The commissioning time must not exceed 3 minutes. Display proof of distance from the target.
A stopwatch must be displayed throughout the process to show the video is not sped up.
Set up another camera near the target to clearly capture the moment of hit. Edit the video in a chronological order.
Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional4
RadarThe radar functions properly and displays commissioning images. Mid-Term & Final Robot AssessmentOptional10

EventRobot TypeItem DisplayedTypePoints
RMUL 3v3Full roster displayAll robots built by the participating team on the full roster are shown together; robots can be powered on simultaneously or one after anotherMandatory-
InfantryComplete movements: horizontal movement and rotationMandatory10
The robot launches 50 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike a target with the size of a Large Armor Module 5 meters away. Calculate the hit rate and provide relevant evidence.Mandatory30
The robot climbs a 15° slope and its power consumption data is displayed in real time.Optional10
The robot automatically recognizes and follows a horizontally moving and a rotating Armor Module, respectively, and launches 30 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike the Armor Module. Calculate the hit rates and provide relevant evidence.Optional5
HeroComplete movements: horizontal movement and rotationMandatory10
The robot launches 10 rounds of 42 mm projectiles continuously to attack a target with the size of a Large Armor Module 5 meters away. Calculate the hit rate and provide relevant evidence.Mandatory30
The robot climbs a 15° slope (show proof of the 15° slope) and its power consumption data is displayed in real time.Optional10
The robot automatically recognizes and follows a horizontally moving and a rotating Armor Module, and launches 30 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike the Armor Module. Calculate the hit rates and provide relevant evidence.Optional5
SentryComplete movements: horizontal movement and rotationMandatory10
The robot launches 50 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike a stationary target with the size of a Large Armor Module 5 meters away. Calculate the hit rate and provide relevant evidence.Optional30
The robot automatically recognizes and follows a horizontally moving and a rotating Armor Module, respectively, and launches 30 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike the Armor Module. Calculate and provide proof of the hit rate (such as carbon paper marks); meanwhile, display how well the visualization program for Armor Module recognition works (see Figure 1 at the end of the article).Optional5
Display the automatic movement, positioning, obstacle avoidance, and path planning of Sentry in the Competition Area and how well the visualization program works, while ensuring that the program running data matches the actual movements of the robot (see Figure 2 at the end of the article).Optional5
Display different operation modes of the Sentry (such as patrol between two points, rotate in place, and automatic counterattack).Optional5

EventRobot TypeItem DisplayedTypePoints
RMUL Infantry MatchInfantryComplete movements: horizontal movement and rotationMandatory10
The robot climbs a 15° slope and its power consumption data is displayed in real time.Optional10
The robot launches 50 rounds of projectiles continuously to attack a target with the size of a Large Armor Module 5 meters away. Calculate the hit rate and provide relevant evidence.Mandatory30
The robot automatically recognizes and follows a horizontally moving and a rotating Armor Module, respectively, and launches 30 rounds of projectiles continuously to strike the Armor Module. Calculate the hit rates and provide relevant evidence.Optional5
OthersDisplay other unique featuresOptional-
* Extra points will be given based on the displayed content.

EventRobot TypeItem DisplayedTypePoints
Engineer ChallengeEngineerComplete movements: horizontal movement and rotationMandatory20
Simulate grabbing Ore from a Resource Island and moving with the Ore in a straight line for 2 meters.Mandatory50
Simulate Ore exchange with the officially designated Ore Receptacle pose at each difficulty level (display the highest achievable exchange difficulty level).Optional30